Friday, February 6, 2009


Well, we are officially moved into our new house. Last weekend was crazy but with the help of our family and friends, we were able to get our entire house set up! We are still getting adjusted, but we are loving it!

The picture above, shows Kayla trying out her crib. She likes to stand in it, but she does not like to sleep in it!

Grandma Karen also came down for the weekend to help us move. Kayla just loves Buttons and cannot stop smiling and laughing when the dog is around! We are still putting the finishing touches on our house. We are hanging pictures, adding decorations, etc. but it is very fun!

We alos took Kayla's 9 month pictures today. Stay tuned...I will post them as soon as we get them!


  1. How exciting!!!!! I will need your address! I can't beleive Kayla is 9 months! What a cutie?!?!? Hope all is well.
    OH YEAH>>>JOIN FACEBOOK!!!! It is much better than myspace!

  2. new update needed. you got the nine month photos, put them up sis. take a pic of her crawling and pulling herself up on stuff.
